Andrzej JAGUŚ: Wybrane problemy zagospodarowania zlewni górskich w aspekcie ochrony zbiorników zaporowych w Karpatach Polskich / Selected problems in the development of mountain catchments for the protection of dam reservoirs in the Polish Carpathians

Language: Polish with English abstract
For citation:
Jaguś A. 2021. Selected problems in the development of mountain catchments for the protection of dam reservoirs in the Polish Carpathians. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 1(21), 1–15 (in Polish). DOI:

Klaudiusz GRÜBEL, Stanisław WACŁAWEK: Alkalizacja jako metoda wstępnej hydrolizy osadu czynnego przed procesem fermentacji beztlenowej / Alkalization as a method of preliminary hydrolysis  of waste activated sludge before the anaerobic digestion process

Language: Polish with English abstract
For citation:
Grübel K., Wacławek S. 2021. Alkalization as a method of preliminary hydrolysis of waste activated sludge before the anaerobic digestion process. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 1(21), 16–25 (in Polish). DOI:

Monika WIERZBIŃSKA, Robert SZCZEPANIAK: Wpływ warunków meteorologicznych na imisję pyłu zawieszonego oraz kształt smug kominowych w sezonie grzewczym / Influence of meteorological conditions on the particulate matter immission and the shape of wastegases streaks in the heating season

Language: Polish with English abstract
For citation:
Wierzbińska M., Szczepaniak R. 2021. Influence of meteorological conditions on the particulate matter immission and the shape of wastegases streaks in the heating season. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 1(21), 26–37 (in Polish). DOI:

Andrzej HARAT: Instytucja opłaty z tytułu usuwania drzew i krzewów w polskim porządku prawnym / The institution of a fee for the removal of trees and bushes in the Polish legal system

Language: Polish with English abstract
For citation:
Harat A. 2021. The institution of a fee for the removal of trees and bushes in the Polish legal system. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 1(21), 38–45 (in Polish). DOI:

Jan BRODA, Ewa PACZKOWSKA: Surface morphology and physical properties of sheep wool of selected Polish breeds / Morfologia powierzchni i właściwości fizyczne wełny owczej wybranych ras hodowanych w Polsce

Language: English
For citation:
Broda J., Paczkowska E. 2021. Surface morphology and physical properties of sheep wool of selected Polish breeds. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 1(21), 46–53. DOI: