Andrzej HARAT, Andrzej JAGUŚ: Problematyka koncesjonowania wydobycia kopalin energetycznych w Polsce / Granting licences for the extraction of energy minerals in Poland

Language: Polish with English abstract
For citation:
Harat A., Jaguś A. 2023. Granting licenses for the extraction of energy minerals in Poland. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 5(25), 1–13 (in Polish). DOI:

Monika WIERZBIŃSKA, Janusz KOZAK, Ewelina ZAJĄC: Zmienność stężeń pyłu zawieszonego PM10 w powietrzu na terenie Krościenka nad Dunajcem w latach 2018-2022 / Variability of PM10 particulate matter concentrations in the area of Krościenko nad Dunajcem in the years 2018-2022

Language: Polish with English abstract
For citation:
Wierzbińska M., Kozak J., Zając E. 2023. Variability of PM10 particulate matter concentrations in the area of Krościenko nad Dunajcem in the years 2018-2022. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 5(25), 14–22 (in Polish). DOI:

Klaudiusz GRÜBEL, Marta DUDA: Wpływ chemicznego kondycjonowania na własności grawitacyjne osadu czynnego nadmiernego / Impact of chemical conditioning on the gravitational properties of surplus activated sludge

Language: Polish with English abstract
For citation:
Grübel K., Duda M. 2023. Impact of chemical conditioning on the gravitational properties of surplus activated sludge. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 5(25), 23–31 (in Polish). DOI:

Marcela ADAMCZYK, Damian CHMURA: Wpływ ekranów akustycznych na śmiertelność ptaków na przykładzie Bielska-Białej / The impact of noise barriers on bird mortality: a case study of Bielsko-Biala town

Language: Polish with English abstract
For citation:
Adamczyk M., Chmura D. 2023. The impact of noise barriers on bird mortality: a case study of Bielsko-Biala town. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 5(25), 32–40 (in Polish). DOI:

Anna SALACHNA, Dominika WIDUCH: Monitoring małych rzek wyżynnych na przykładzie potoku Łękawka (gmina Bestwina, województwo śląskie) / Monitoring of small upland rivers on the example of the Łękawka stream (Bestwina commune, Silesian Voivode-ship)

Language: Polish with English abstract
For citation:
Salachna A., Widuch D. 2023. Monitoring of small upland rivers on the example of the Łękawka stream (Bestwina commune, Silesian Voivode-ship). Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 5(25), 41–49 (in Polish). DOI: