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Włodzimierz BINIAŚ: O spektrofotometrii inaczej / About spectrophotometry differently

Language: Polish with English abstract
For citation:
Biniaś W. 2024. About spectrophotometry differently. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 7(27), 1–31 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2024.7.01

Marcin PIEKARSKI, Klaudiusz GRÜBEL: Możliwości ograniczania śladu węglowego poprzez wykorzystanie systemu zarządzania energią (EMS) / The possibilities of limiting the trace of coal through the use of the Energy Management System (EMS)

Language: Polish with English abstract
For citation:
Piekarski M., Grübel K. 2024. The possibilities of limiting the trace of coal through the use of the Energy Management System (EMS). Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 7(27), 32–42 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2024.7.02

Andrzej HARAT, Andrzej JAGUŚ: Środowiskowo-prawne aspekty planowania przestrzennego na terenach górniczych / Environmental and legal aspects of spatial planning in mining areas

Language: Polish with English abstract
For citation:
Harat A., Jaguś A. 2024. Environmental and legal aspects of spatial planning in mining areas. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 7(27), 43–55 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2024.7.03

Tomasz BECZAŁA, Damian CHMURA: Goździk kosmaty Diathus armeria L. na Pogórzu Cieszyńskim (południowa Polska) / Deptford pink Diathus armeria L. in the Cieszyn Foothills (southern Poland) 

Language: Polish with English abstract 
For citation: 
Beczała T., Chmura D. 2024. Deptford pink Diathus armeria L. in the Cieszyn Foothills (southern Poland). Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 7(27), 56–62 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2024.7.04 

Dorota BINIAŚ, Weronika DRABEK: Otrzymywanie i degradacja kompozytów na bazie polilaktydu i paździerzy konopnych modyfikowanych stearyną / Preparation and degradation of composites based on polylactide and hemp shives modified with stearin 

Language: Polish with English abstract 
For citation: 
Biniaś D., Drabek W. 2024. Preparation and degradation of composites based on polylactide and hemp shives modified with stearin. Polish Journal of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 7(27), 63–73 (in Polish). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53052/pjmee.2024.7.05 